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Site icon Tipmix tips 1×2


More than HUF 900,000 in prizes!


Our members know very well that we like to recommend premium quality tennis tips in our tips, which have shown serious effectiveness in the past period as well. We ourselves like to "bet big" on tennis tips. As you can clearly see in the attached pictures, we were able to win more than HUF 900,000 in prizes thanks to our tennis tips. 



Many people have asked us to create a group where we only work with premium quality tennis tips. Well, the request fell on deaf ears, as tennis is very close to our hearts and we also love to bet on this great sport.

We are therefore happy to announce that our newest service, "ACE – PROFESSIONAL TENNIS TIPS Premium Group", is available as of today, where we publish premium tennis tips that can be played only and exclusively on high-quality paper in 100%.


Follow us too: https://1×2.hu/ace/


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