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đź’Ą More than 32 years of sports betting experience! đź’Ą




The successful sports betting tips information gathering is its cradle, alpha and omega! I have said and written many times that a well-prepared tipster should even know what a given player had for breakfast in individual sports! Information is power in the field of sports betting, so I confess that every bit of news collected and scraped together can be valuable and crucial. That's why it's worth approaching a match from as many sides as possible, because we never know where and what we'll find! 


A good example of this was one of the tips from the Bázis Premium group yesterday!

👉 22817 H | T. Lishman - A. Atkinson | T. Lishman (Match winner) | 1.59 4-2 ✅ ✅ ✅


Very serious information was collected about Tommy Lishman yesterday, and the odds masters really looked into this match, since Tommy was taken out of the pairing as an underdog. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the lottery, the bookies had also switched on, as the odds of around 2.00 started to drop nicely and we could only bet around 1.60. As the saying goes, you have to accept what you give, and we did the same. The bottom line is the Profit, no matter how big it is, a flame and 2-3 pints of beer also came out of this prize. Cheers! 🍺

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