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Premium sports betting: Our groups did well yesterday

Prémium sportfogadás: Nagyot mentek tegnap is a csoportjaink - Tippmix tippek 1x2 - Tippmix tippek

➡ Time-Out ✅ ➡ Blue Chip ✅ ➡ Index ✅ ➡ Money magnet ✅


With 32 years of sports betting experience behind me, I feel that I can say with a calm heart: The taste of success is truly unforgettable! 


It is incredibly good to wake up to such results. Several of our groups thoroughly hit the horses and caused serious damage to the betting offices yesterday. The Time-Out tips were once again a hit, and our latest winning coupon idea was born. The Bázis and Index tips also delivered what was expected of them, which is also well demonstrated by the Bázis 7/7 hit. Then there is also the Pénzmagnes Premium group, which generates a serious profit month after month, in which we also generated a very nice profit yesterday. Here are the details:

⏰ Time-Out: Wednesday 100% – Thursday 100% – Friday 100% ❗ ❗ ❗

3 days = 3 Perfect section ideas!

In the days left behind, the Time-Out tips were also developed according to our ideas, which means that our already large collection was enriched with another 3 winning Time-Out coupon ideas. We are already showing the ideas of the Time-Out section of the last 3 days:


🔴 01.06.2023. Friday - TIME-OUT coupon idea:

👉 04859 H | Stade d'Abidjan - Stella d'Adjame | Less than 2.5 (Asia Goal Score 2.5) | 1.60 0-1

👉 20425 H | E. Mares – T. Postelt | E. Mares (Winner of the match) | 1.54 3-1

👉 👉 👉 Result: 2.46 ✅ ✅ ✅


🔴 01.06.2023. Thursday - TIME-OUT voucher idea:

👉 27001 V | Grorud – Raufoss | Over 2.5 (Goal Number 2.5) | 1.52 1-2 ✅

👉 32270 V | V. Postelt – S. Kadavy | S. Kadavy (Winner of the match) | 1.54 2-3 ✅

👉 👉 👉 Result: 2.34 ✅ ✅ ✅


🔴 31.05.2023. Wednesday - TIME-OUT coupon idea:

👉 58179 V | Brage – Östersund FK | Over 2.5 (Goal Number 2.5) | 1.69 2-1 ✅

👉 19410 H | L. Sulava – P. Mozol | L. Sulava (Winner of the match) | 1.54 3-2 ✅

👉 👉 👉 Result: 2.60 ✅ ✅ ✅


Would you like to play with professionally developed section ideas every day?

If your answer is yes, then all you have to do is join the Time-Out Premium group, which you can do at this link: https://1×2.hu/time-out/



⚽ Blue Chip: We start June with an efficiency of 85.71% ❗ ❗ ❗


👉 We didn't have to wait long for June's first COMPLETE Blue Chip voucher idea! 👍 👍 👍



Yesterdayap 7 Precisely developed high-stakes soccer tips made up our Blue Chip section. The Bordeaux match was interrupted, so we could circle this tip with odds of 1.00. The remaining 6 tips came in one after the other as if they were pulled on a string, which also means that our first winning coupon idea for June was born, with a total of 7 circled Premium tips smiling back at us! 



We congratulate our members on the new TELLER pass! We are indescribably proud that the last 29 months Blue Chip soccer tip efficiency is well above 83%.


In the past 29 months, the high-stakes Blue Chip Premium group has become a real nightmare for bookmakers, as the detailed statistics show!


Blue Chip Statistics: https://1×2.hu/blue-chip/blue-chip-statisztika/


Every day in the Blue Chip Premium group, we send our subscribers a Guaranteed Big Stake coupon idea that can be played on paper, so you don't have to fiddle with compiling the coupon!


Blue Chip is waiting for you too: https://1×2.hu/blue-chip/



🔔 INDEX: Dawn of winning coupons ❗ ❗ ❗


We were able to circle very serious winning Premium tips in the INDEX Premium group yesterday, so it is not surprising that our editorial office was almost flooded by Saturday morning with winning coupons containing even more beautiful INDEX tips. 

For a taste, here are some winning Friday INDEX soccer tips:


👉 60809 H 2-0 Bohemians Dublin - Sligob Bohemians Dublin (1X2) 1.99

👉 62115 H 1-0 Paris FC – Annecy Paris FC (1X2) 1.83

👉 03225 H 1-0 Gleisdorf – Kalsdorf Gleisdorf (1X2) 1.59

👉 42981 H 1-0 IF Karlstad – Örebro Syrianskab IF Karlstad (1X2) 1.80


Congratulations to our members for the new winning Index coupons!


The Index Premium group is waiting for you: https://1×2.hu/index/



🧲 Money magnet: 34 months = HUF 7,169,900 prize ❗ ❗ ❗


We pocketed HUF 13,700 on the second day of June!

We also managed to close the month of May with a nice plus in the Pénzmagnes Premium group, which also means that our 34th month with a plus in a row was born! We also want to implement serious plans in June, which we got one step closer to yesterday as we won HUF 13,700! Congratulations to our members!


You can find detailed Pénzmagnes statistics, broken down by day, going back more than 34 months here: https://1×2.hu/penzmagnes/#stat


👉 Guaranteed to be one of the most successful Premium groups in Hungary, Pénzmagnes is waiting for you ❗ ❗ ❗



Pénzmagnes proves every day that with experience and sufficient humility, very serious results can be achieved in the field of sports betting. Follow us too: https://1×2.hu/penzmagnes/


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